These all natural inhalers are a great value! They last about 3 years (sometimes longer). They also cannot be overused. In other words, you can inhale as many times a day as you like. You can also use more than one blend at a time.
Benefits and Ingredients:
Breathe Easy - Clear breathing for refreshing breathing experience. Ingredients: Peppermint and Eucalyptus How to Use: Place inhaler to each nostril and inhale deeply. Repeat as necessary.
Sleepy - May induce feelings of mental peace, relaxation, and restfulness. Ingredients: Frankincense, Lemongrass, Lavender, Cedarwood How to Use: Place inhaler to each nostril and inhale deeply. Repeat as necessary. Not safe to use during pregnancy
Anxiety - may Help with anxiety and calm nerves. May help stop panic attacks. Ingredients: Frankincense, Lavender, Grapefruit, Cedarwood, Sweet Orange, Lemon How to Use: Place inhaler to each nostril and inhale deeply. Repeat as necessary. Not safe to use during pregnancy
Hormone Help - may help Balance hormones, calms nervous system, alleviate cramps and hot flashes, helps with anxiety and depression. Ingredients: Frankincense, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang How to Use: Place inhaler to each nostril and inhale deeply. Repeat as necessary. Not safe to use during pregnancy
Headache -May Help with asthma, congestion, mental clarity, headaches, and energy. Ingredients: Himalayan Sea Salt, Peppermint How to Use: Place inhaler to each nostril and inhale deeply. Repeat as necessary.